HTC has announced that it has started rolling out the latest Android security update to unlocked One A9 units in the US. The announcement came in the form of a tweet from the company's US VP of Product Management Mo Versi.
HTC One (A9) unlocked owners! The Jan security updates and bug fixes is being updated via OTA this morning! Thanks.
— Mo Versi (@moversi) January 22, 2016
Aside from the January security fixes, the update also includes some general bug fixes, Versi revealed. If you haven't received the OTA notification yet, you can manually check for the update by heading to your device's settings.
For those who aren't already aware, HTC had said last year that the One A9 will receive every Android update within 15 (business) days of the Nexus line having received it. And true to its promise, the Taiwanese company rolled out the November and December updates on time.