Samsung introduced the Exynos 1080 chipset two weeks ago. The new platform is an evolution of the Exynos 980 and is the company's first chip, built on the 5nm EUV FinFET technology process. The unveiling took place mostly online without much pomposity.
Now, Samsung has posted a video on its YouTube channel, highlighting all the cool specs and features of the Exynos 1080. Check it out below:
The greatest proud of Samsung is the 5G modem in the Exynos 1080. It can theoretically get up to 5.1 Gbps speeds at NR Sub-6GHz networks, and any eventual phone can also take advantage of the new NPU for on-device AI.
Samsung also reminded that the new octa-core CPU can get you “beyond mobile computing” with its powerful Cortex-A78 core and can bring “artistic graphics” thanks to the Mali-G78 GPU. For comparison, the current Exynos 990 that powers the company’s flagships brings a less impressive powerful core and the previous-gen graphics unit.
Screengrabs from the Samsung Exynos 1080 video
Other key features Exynos 1080 brings to smartphones are HDR10+ support, 144Hz refresh rate at Full HD+ resolution, support for up to 200MP stills, and 4K Ultra HD videos. We’re still waiting for an official confirmation of what will be the first phone to have it, but we expect it to be the vivo X60 Pro.