Back in June, Realme first teased its 64MP quad camera smartphone. The company didn't give us a date then, but it appears the phone's development is nearing completion as Realme has announced a "Camera Innovation Event" on August 8 in the Indian capital New Delhi where it will reveal more about its 64MP quad camera technology.
Get ready to witness some of the world's first in smartphone camera technology at the #realme camera innovation event. Stay Tuned as we #LeapToQuadCamera and reveal the world's first 64MP Quad Camera technology on a smartphone.
— realme (@realmemobiles) August 2, 2019
Realme has launched dual camera smartphones - the 3 series and the X, and with them one of the cameras is a depth sensor. It doesn't have a triple camera smartphone, so launching a quad camera smartphone would indeed be a giant leap forward.
Details are scarce about the camera configuration right now, but we are hopeful that Realme will throw in telephoto and ultra-wide-angle modules to accompany the 64MP main sensor. The fourth module will likely be a depth sensor unit.
We reached out to Realme for more information about this 64MP quad camera smartphone and were told that the phone is still under development, but we believe it will be unveiled by the end of this quarter or the beginning of next.